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Prices effective September 1, 2024
Members ages 12-15 require
Adult (18+) guardian supervision
automatic withdrawal

Couple or Dependent
Member & Spouse or 1 Dependent
(12-23 yrs/old)
automatic withdrawal

Member, Spouse, & up to 4 Dependents
(12-23 yrs/old)
automatic withdrawal

Seniors (61+)
automatic withdrawal
automatic withdrawal

(Military - EMS - Fire - Police)
automatic withdrawal
automatic withdrawal
automatic withdrawal
Additional Memberships:
Day pass= $5
Week pass=$10
Access Card:
First time registration fee=$10
Includes up to 3 cards
New replacement card=$10
Used replacement card=$5
ACH Prorate:
Day 1-7: Single $25 Couple $35 Family $45
Day 8-14: Single $20 Couple $28 Family $35
Day 15-21: Single $15 Couple $21 Family $25
Day 22-31: Single $10 Couple $14 Family $15
How do I sign up for the 1st time?
Print off Registration Form and Waiver or pick them up at Rec Office.
Call, email, text, or Facebook message to set a time with Director.
Pay membership fee and first time registration fee.
Receive access card and facility tour.
How do I renew my membership?
Place check or cash in dropbox outside of Rec Center. If using cash, please write name and/or card # on envelope.
Pay with credit/debit card during office hours.
Your card will not work if expired.
How do I sign up for Daily/Weekly Pass?
Print off Registration Form or pick them up at Rec Office.
Call, email, text, or Facebook message to set a time with the Director to pick up temporary card.
Return card at end of stay. Cards not returned will be invoiced $10.
How do I set up Automatic Withdrawal?
How do I reactivate my membership?
If you have not had a paid membership for more than 2 years, membership paperwork will need to be completed.
If reactivating membership but lost membership card, replacement card fee will be applied.
Fill out ACH Agreement form (print or fill out in Rec Office).
Attach voided check to agreement.
If signing up in middle of month, remainder of current month will be prorated and automatic withdrawal will begin following month. Please refer to prorate chart for appropriate fees.
Additional changes (adding/dropping members) must be completed before 1st of month.
Membership Forms
Complete forms and turn into Rec Office
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